During the periods that you are not present in your holiday house yourself, you might rent it out to guests. This way you have some extra income and, moreover, your house is used optimally. When you rent out your house, it is extra important that everything is well cared for and that everything is clean. This way you get positive reviews and a well-maintained house also encourage others to be careful with your stuff.
What we can help you with;
We take care of cleaning your house before or after a period of rental;
> The entire house is vacuumed and mopped.
> The bathroom(s) and toilet(s) are thoroughly cleaned.
> The kitchen is cleaned and checked for leftover food. The refrigerator and oven are also cleaned internally. Clean tea towels / dish cloths (from your own stock) are laid out for the next guests.
> If desired, we will ensure that clean bed linen (from your own stock) is ready for the next guests.
> If we find damage after a rental period, we will take pictures and inform you.
> Cleaning products are provided by us.
The costs depend on the floor area of your house. We would love to come to your place and take a look, so that we can make you an offer.
We wash and dry the used bedding (pillowcase, duvet cover, bottom sheet) for you. The costs are calculated per set (single or double).
Please note: We can only provide the laundry service in combination with the final cleaning.
We recommend working with a key box with code. This is easy for your guests and saves you a lot of costs and hassle.
When there is a problem in the house during a rental period, you can call us. We will go there and try to solve it, as soon as we have the time. If something needs to be fixed, we will always consult you first about the costs.
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Godkänd för F-skatt